Page name: Giffie-Pet Store [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-02-13 21:47:18
Last author: tomsawyer8648
Owner: Bookwyrm
# of watchers: 265
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Welcome, Elfpacker, to the Giffie-Pet store!
We have fuzzy-wuzzies and creepy-crawlies galore--
Pets that crawl and some that soar!
This is a special place filled with magic and lore,
All bets are off when you walk through our door!
So come on in and have a look around,
You can even adopt from our Giffie-Pet Pound.
Just keep in mind that you can only choose one!
Make your choice wisely and when you're all done,
You'll have a special friend to show off to everyone!

Custom Poetry by [Deg]! Thanks to her!



This is the place to get your very own Giffie-Pet. You need to choose carefully as you can only have one to begin with! Think about the name you want to give it as it can't be changed without a Name Change Token from the Tog Shop.

If you don't see any here that you like, you might want to check the Giffie-Pet Pound as well, or wait for the next batch of pets to come from the Normal Pet Storehouse.

When you have chosen the pet you want, edit this page using the 'ADV EDIT' button to add your username link (your username in the [] tags) below the pet you'd like to adopt. Don't forget to add the name you want to give it.

Do not edit anything else! If a pet isn't in stock, you can't request it. If you are unsure about editing the wiki, make your request in the comment box.



Himalayan Cat

Siamese Cat

Basset Hound

Cute Red Fox
1) [lulu dinobot] Todd.
2) [AdamTheChespin] Tommy.

Grey Rat

Leopard Gecko

Milk Snake

Green Parakeet




Round Hermit Crab

Monarch Butterfly
1)[Hollylocks] ChickenPie


Killer Rabbit



Please be sure you have read Owning a Giffie-Pet before asking how to do something! If you still need help join the forum at <joinforum:195:pets> (Giffie-Pet Chat and Question Area)

The Giffie-Pet Staff are willing to answer your questions in the comments or forum if you need to know something that isn't covered in the wiki.



Store Update!

We're back open for business! Enjoy.


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2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: you didnt want it. *walks away*

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: take as much as i want eh?

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: :l i guess so.

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Pfft... You Americans and your Turkey Day. We had ours over a month ago. You know why? Because Canada is in the future. That's right.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: (nods)... no one else is hungry...

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: I'd rather live in Canada than the United States... I liked it better there...

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: id rather live in azeroth than kalimdor. but i live in emerald city so who gives a sheep...

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: ya, turkey day was good, i went for Chinese. *pokes arsenic with a stick*

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: just what kind of stick are you poking me with?!? XD

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: umm......hardwood? possibly oak......

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: a ARSENIC POKING STICK!

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Of DESPAIR

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: noooo....deklo! [is that a real metal btw?]

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ok then... (jumps away from pokage of the stick)

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: *is still poking, but now poking air*

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: *Devours the stick with his all-consuming... Panda.*

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: (sneaks up behind Jon and steals his poking stick, the using it to poke Jon back)

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *pokes panda with an arcanite stick*

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: damn!!! and a can't summon a new one cause that was my summoning stick!!!!

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ...either disembowle the Panda or take the stick back from me? (obviously you had two sticks, not just one...)

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: yes......of for poking, one for summoning....who has what?

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: uhh.... (keeps poking you with stick) i'm not sure... (accidently summons a giant... thing)

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: oh no!!! it's the....thing.....RUN!!!

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: PANDA! GOOO! *Hurls panda at it*

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: (pets the thing)... I think it likes me... (jumps on top of thing and rides around on it)


2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: but the radar says it's OVER 9,000!!!

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: 9,000! That's impossible!

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: Question Mark?

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: You heard me.

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: lol ^_^ it's a DBZ reference.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: (isnt so confused anymore)... I feel better now...

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: DBZ, Jon.

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: lol.

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: 9,000 is a lot for a giant ball of wombat sperm,[gods2armys] flesh, vomit & wing remains.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: (munches on more food and plays around with this summoning stick thingy...)

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: [Enneigard Rebirth], you are really starting to feak me out
[RedMoon], ya that's what i have =P
[Nytefox], stop playing with my stick!

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: feak? thats my friend's girlfriends almost last name. jenny feakes.

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: What a crazy coincidence. Must be a conspiracy.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: XD... would you really think I'd wanna play with your stick??? You can have it back if you want...(gives Jon back control of his stick)

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: i feel hurt *takes the stick back and summons a gun*

*shoots [Enneigard Rebirth]* hope that does the trick.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: (reads mood over very carefully)... wait... I swear that said something else about a minute ago!...oh well, it's the same truth...

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *lays there shotted*

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: i don't know what you mean, it's been like that for days!! i swear!

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: shotted? now there is a new where you get the blood in my store!!!

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: (jumps down and lands on [Enneigard Rebirth])... if you say so Jon... if you say so

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *purposely bleeds all over* hahahahahaha *lays there shotted*

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: it's true!

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *lays there shotted in shock* oh my god get off me!

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: lol, a friend from the states called me and her boyfriend was like "wait, you called canada on my phone?" it was funny!

more ppl. should call me.......i like getting calls.

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: You know what else was funny? That time that some friend called you , and her boyfriend was like, "Wait, you called Canada on my phone?"

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: who's canada?

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: ya, that was funny too!

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: canada is a country....

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Not for long. Soon it shall be... Robo-Canada 2029

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: when did she become a country? bleh *sits there shotted*

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: hehe... I may have to do that... on my friend's phone... so they can say "Wait, you called Canada on my phone?" Wouldnt that be funny?!

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: would you hurry and bleed to death, you are still making very little sense.

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: 1-613-849-8846

you can call or text...

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: o.O *looks around grogily* 3 and a 1/2 hour exams *holds head* not good........

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: He can also be contacted between 3 and 10 PM at 310-7873.

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ADD sheep....older comments,*sits there shotted* [Nytefox] is laying on me so my blood isnt going anywhere...

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: *giggles softly*

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: :O [Shadowsoul] *sits there shotted in an awkward scene* GET OFF ME [Nytefox]!!!!

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Sousei Gattai! Go, AQUARION!

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: yes, during 3-10 i only answer 310-7873, all my other contact info is on Elfpack Communications

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: (curb stomps [Enneigard Rebirth]'s head a bit) Oh... I'll make it go somewhere... I promise I'll clean the store up later Jon...

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: *falls asleep exhausted*

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: as long as you clean up or more it look cool.

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: *pokes [Shadowsoul] with the summoning stick* go to bed with ye!

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *lays there stomped & shotted* uhhhhhh.....UUHHHHh.....

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: sir yes sir!... wait... BED?!?!?!?!?!?

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: can't.... still have another one to go *yawns and looks at [Big Brother] groggily* gotta stay awake

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *lays there stomped & shotted* hahahaha!

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: ok, then at least take this *hands over a coffee* and arsenic, you can't go to bed yet, i'm not done with you!

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: I'm not tired anyways... wait... what are you doing with me??/

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: *drinks coffee slowly* thank you [Big Brother]

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: you can't know till i'm done!! muhahahaha you know that whole oven thing? it's not that!

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: *laughs softly and watches*

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ...o...k... then... I guess I'm fine for now... (starts to watch back a bit)

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: You know what this conversation needs? More flamethrowers.

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: i'm going to go eat stuff, you better be here when i get back or i'll be sad and not able to finish my evil plot that doesn't exist!

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: flames are too bright. we need more stupidity....

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Hey, I supply that in large quantities.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: evil plot? oh... I like this now... I like it a lot!

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: me too

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Then together, we shall fill the room with stupid, and the stupid will fuse together in to an unstoppable force, and leech all the smart...ness... From the world.

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: *laughs softly* but i like both stupidness and smartness

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: See, that's the second part of the plan. Once the giant mass of stupid has absorbed all the smartness, then all the stupidness and all the smartness will be in the same place. And the universe may possibly explode.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: but wouldnt you have to be smart to figure out how to leech all the smartness from the smart ones?... i think it would be easier to just make their IQ drop and take them as your own... like the Borg in a long, round-about way... (damnable trekies!)

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: good! *makes a toast* that means no more exams!!!

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Damn right. Down with exams! And Spain!

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: *laughs* Exterminate exams!

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: With the flames of the almighty flamethrower! We'll just have to wear sunglasses... At night.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: I already wear shades at night...

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: *washes up jon's ([Big Brother]) cup and dries it* ahh where do i put this?

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: So does Cory Hart.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: who???

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Uh... Cory Hart? The singer who did 'I Wear My Sunglasses at Night'? Greatest song ever.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: unless it's metal/rave music, I wouldnt know...

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: ahhh. okay then *puts [Big Brother]'s cup in the cupboard and watches silently*

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Psht. What happend to the 70's? Or 80's to late 90's, for that matter?

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: life and time *replies softly*

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Yeah... But they live on in my mind.

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: i'm only old enough to remember the 90's

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Technically, so am I. But I grew up listening to that stuff, so I love it. lol. I like newer stuff too, but the oldies are always my favorites.

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: i grew up listening to 60's music and stuff from like 200-300years ago

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Aye. Classical is a big one for me too. lol. I feel like I should be 60...

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ...I grew up around biker gangs, metal heads, and ravers...

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: lol. Well, it's all good. ^^

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: i feel like i should have lived 500 years ago..... wierd huh?

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Not really. lol. I just noticed how much the topic has changed here.

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: i'm happily watching it change

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: lol. It's nice to be an observer.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: now... back to this thing I summoned with Jon's stick... what the hell???

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: *falls over laughing* well i have to go now. i ave another long exam

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: night all

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Shoot it. With the cannons. And good luck, [Shadowsoul]

2006-11-24 [Shadowsoul]: thanks. g'night

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ...shoot it?... but this thing's HUGE!... and fun to ride I might add... XD

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Then there's only one thing we can do... Release the sharks with chainsaws.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ok then! I'll send in the zombie army too!

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Well, that could work, but I have this uncontrollable urge to destroy the undead.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: interesting... what do you have against us undead?

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Mostly zombies. The others, I can deal with.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: (sigh)... good... I can let you kill all the zombies if you want... we dont need them anymore... they just annoy us...

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Fair enough. See? We can always compromise.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: I'm not that much of a bitch, I swear! I may rule over the undead, but that doesnt mean I'm gonna be some snot nosed prick! ^^

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Well that's good to know. Now you can be a good role model for the children.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: good role model?! pfft! I hate little kids!

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: That's why you should be a teacher. It seems to be one of the qualifications.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: hell fucking no! what am I supposed to teach? how to make a blotto box?!?!

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Nah, just yell at them lots and give them little menial assignments to keep them busy while you drink heavily.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: thaz no fun... I like running around and reeking havoc and spreading chaos across the United States... simply because it sux so much ass...

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: You could train the kids to do that.

2006-11-24 [Bookwyrm]: Hmm...I wonder if I can count how many times I was offended by this conversation. XD Nah...I'll just leave it at 100.

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: What can I say? I'm offensive.

2006-11-24 [Bookwyrm]: Wasn't talking about you. :P Altogether, anyway.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: This is what happens when you leave me here with these people!

And no, I'm not gonna train little ones to do that... I dont want them taking over someplace useful, that's MY job and I take pride in it!

2006-11-24 [Bookwyrm]: o.O So insulting America is a direct result of you being with "these people"...Mmkay. :P And hey, what can I say? When I'm tired and cranky, I tend to leave at random moments. XD

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Speaking of random...

Sousei Gattai! GO, AQUARION!

2006-11-24 [Bookwyrm]: But I was speaking of moments. T_T

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: True enough. But I saw 'random' in there, and my brain picked up on that.

2006-11-24 [Bookwyrm]: Of course...selective reading...similar to selective listening. You may read it all, but only some words click. XD Gotta love it.

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Similar to read click it?

2006-11-24 [Bookwyrm]: ::pats:: Yes that's it. ::imagines you reading only "pats it":: o.O work now...

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Indeed. You have fun with that. ^^

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: wow, i always miss soooo much when i go eat *gets his cup back*

2006-11-24 [Bookwyrm]: Mmm fun indeed.

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: and arsenic left me before i could finish my evil plans!

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: For christs sake, for the first time in a week i decide to be sensible and go to bed before 4am, and look what i missed! Evil plans, sexually suggestive stick-pokings, the death of enneigard, blood, music talk, food, insulting of america, Jons' phone number (though i probably wouldn't be able to phone it cause i dont now how to dial out of the country:( Mine's 0(or +44 if you're outside britain) 191-256-0430, in case you're interested XD) Pandas, giant nondescript but fun to ride summoned things, and the offending of Mothyr. Thats it, i'm never going to bed again.

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: i know how to call me from can also ask [Firenze] as she phones me from time to time.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: I'm sorry Jon... but my laptop decided to fail me... now that I'm writting a paper, I should be available for the next... 14 hours or so for evil plan action like stuff ^^

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: nope, everything is gone! no more plans!

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: Aw but i wanted to make plans :(

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: nooooo!!!! (cries) please forgive me!!!

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: My grandfather always used to tell me; If you can't make evil plans, make pizza.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: both sound yummie to me!... damn, I want more food...

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Yeah, he was a wise man.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: I never knew my family... they kinda decided to leave me on the city streets to be found by some people and then adopted out to the freaking states...

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Normally, I would say something witty about now. But seeing as I'm not entirely sure wether you're being serious or not, and I don't particularly want to offend anyone at the moment, I'll settle for awkward silence.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: I'm not kidding... but I dont know how you would offend anyone right now...

I wonder where Jon went...

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: I killed her. ... Him...

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: the really annoying thing is i can't even join in with this conversation because these work computers are so damn slow, by the time it uploads/ reads posts, half a page has gone past :(

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: really? such a shame... now who's gonna pull off those evil plans??

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: The giant man with a hammer that hit him in the brain.

And I wish I could use this site at work...

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: *slaps [RedMoon]* i shall!!!!!

P.S the slap was for calling me a girl, and the slap made it so i'm girly therefore backing what he said.

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: i use this site at work ^_^ i stopped caring, well i do some things...

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: speak of the devil... ^^

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: you saying i'm the devil?

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ...not really... I dont think you have those nice looking horns or that spiky tail thing... do you?? o.O

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Man, I wish I had horns... Though that could possibly be interpreted wrong.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ...yes, yes it very well could... I learned that the hard way...

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: you don't know that! i might have a tail, and i may have a horn or 2.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ...well do you?? oO???

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: i might......

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ...dont tell me this is a "find out for yourself" thing... speaking of things, what happened to that thing I summoned with your stick last night?... and what about this evil plan thingy?? (ish kinda excited)

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: I ate it. Both the thingy, and the plan.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: oh... then we'll just have to gut you to get them back...

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: that sounded so wrong, don't you think? "find out for yourself?" "that thing I summoned with your stick last night?" "ish kinda excited"

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: that I look at that, yes...

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Eh. I could stand for being gutted, I think.

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: and what [RedMoon] said didn't help O.o

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: you know, i haven't seen the comment nazi lately.....where is [Tear]?

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: I realise that... so what are we gonna do about it...

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: do about what? [Tear] not being here?

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: no... but I'm feeling like being really random...

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: what is your name anyhow? i can't keep calling you arsenic....

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: everyone just normally calls me Frost... feel free to call me anything you want tho...

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: so you don't have a name......ok, ill call you.....Ashley?

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: so we do have a name, frost doesn't comment much so i can call you frost ^_^ and now i know 2 *********'s

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: I'm a secret underground agent though... so dont tell anyone who I really am... or else I get punished by... I'm gonna stop talking now...

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: then we must destroy the evidence!!!!!!!!

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: there, all gone ^_^ that was a close call.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: with... giant... uh... things of doom!!!

oh... we already did that... ok then..

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: where the hell did chris go!!!! he ate my summoning...thing. <---- my attempt to not make it sound really wrong!

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: i ate him

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ...I think we've already failed at making things not sound wrong... I could make everything anyone could say sound totally wrong...

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: great, now we gotta cut 2 ppl. open, frost, shall we call it a date? *pulls out a machete*

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: and yea... let's do it! (takes out scimitar)

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: can you make this sound wrong? frost, i want you to come over and join me in my room to make babies!

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